Sunday, December 6, 2009

New EPA Publication: State Brownfields and Voluntary Response Programs: An Update from the States

State Brownfields and Voluntary Response Programs: An Update from the States
November 2009
Publication Number: EPA-560-R-09-522

The "State Brownfields and Voluntary Response Programs: An Update from the States" explores the evolving landscape of state environmental, financial, and technical programs, including the incentives designed to promote brownfields cleanup and redevelopment. This user-friendly tool looks at multiple components of state brownfields and voluntary response program(s), and provides a synopsis of each state's response program(s) and contact information.

The information in the EPA "Update" for each State, starting with EPA Region 4, will be featured on a page in the blog.  Here's Alabama's link.

Subscribing to this web site will keep you updated on changes.

*NOTE: Let me know if there are any errors or modifications.