Thursday, July 29, 2010

"The Charrette" - August 11th Webinar

An Introduction to Reuse Planning Workshops for Contaminated Sites

CPRC (EPA’s Conflict Resolution Specialist) is hosting a charrette webinar on August 11, 2010 at 1 p.m. CDT.  Charrettes are collaborative planning and design workshops that bring together diverse stakeholders to plan for the future land use in neighborhoods and communities. For contaminated lands, the charrette is a powerful land use planning and conflict resolution process that uses visualization and mapping tools to develop innovative, sustainable plans for revitalization. The process helps move people past negative approaches towards positive plans for reuse.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="Thought to originate from the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris in the 19th century, the word charrette is from the French for "cart" or "chariot.""][/caption]

The webinar will explore how charrettes can inform and strengthen cleanup decision-making, address and resolve conflicts, enhance stakeholder relationships, and identify feasible future land use opportunities for contaminated lands.

The webinar also serves as an introduction to CPRC’s one-day charrette training. The training is built around a series of interactive exercises designed to immerse participants in situations based on real Superfund sites. The training is designed for remedial project managers, community involvement coordinators, urban planners, and anyone involved in decision-making regarding the reuse of contaminated lands.  CPRC will sponsor this training upon request in your area. Additional information is available on

To register for the August 11 webinar, please visit: . For more information, please contact:

Anna Abbey

(202) 564-1897


Deborah Dalton

(202) 564-2913