Monday, September 27, 2010

Brownfield Grant Writing Tip #31 - Petroleum Brownfield Inventory "Best Practices"

EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks published Petroleum Brownfields: Developing Inventories in June 2009 to help states, tribes, local officials, EPA Brownfields grants recipients, and others develop an inventory of petroleum-contaminated brownfields. While it describes all the steps and considerations in creating an inventory of sites from scratch, it also contains a “best practices” section that will help users improve their current inventories. The publication includes links to examples of petroleum brownfield inventories. The guide was developed by drawing upon the experience of EPA’s Brownfield Program and of successful petroleum brownfield inventory projects used in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Creating a list of petroleum-contaminated sites is often a key first step in developing a petroleum brownfield revitalization program. The publication is available at

Good Luck!