Sunday, October 31, 2010

SC - Green Energy Company to Invest $30 million in Anderson County

The Anderson Independent-Mail (10/21, Mayo) reported, "A green-energy company will make a $30 million investment to build plants in two areas of Anderson County. Interim county administrator Rusty Burns said the business is "a green company with an energy component." Anderson County Council Chairman Tommy Dunn said the company recycles materials to generate electricity. The operation will be the first of its kind in South Carolina, Burns said." The paper reports the county council has called for a "special economic-development meeting today to discuss what might be offered to the company. The name of the company has not been disclosed." "We are looking to transfer some bonds that we thought were going to be offered to some other company but that they ended up not using," Dunn said. "This is not costing one penny from Anderson County." The company will also bring 75 jobs to the county.