Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Knoxville, Tennessee, Discuss Increasing Penalty For Blighted Properties.

The Knoxville News Sentinel (12/5, Ferrar) reported Knoxville officials plan to propose "significant ordinance changes" which will increase code enforcers' ability to pursue the owners of blighted and vacant properties, as well as "make it easier for City Judge John Rosson Jr. to impose a penalty of $50 for each day that a property owner is in violation of city codes." "In a recent News Sentinel review of blighted and vacant properties in Knoxville, many city officials expressed frustration that" the city can only access one $50 fine regardless of the number of days a property owners has been in violation of city law. David Brace, deputy director of Public Service, said under the new ordinance, "the judge could assess a penalty of $50 for each day the property owner is not in compliance with codes" and the owner would be given ten days to comply with the cleanup before being summoned to court. [from ICMA.org News Briefing]