Friday, March 9, 2012

Consider a Central Land Bank for Vacant Properties

Philadelphia Councilwoman Proposes Central Land Bank To Administer Vacant Properties.

The Philadelphia Inquirer (2/2, Graham) reported, "After years of discussion on how to remedy the city's plague of vacant and often rotting properties, Councilwoman Maria Quiñones Sánchez introduced a bill Thursday that would create a central land bank to collect and find better uses for empty parcels." City-owned vacant properties are now "divided among a number of agencies," each with its own "policies and rules for disposing of parcels." Sánchez said this system "stymies potential buyers and developers, and frustrates efforts to turn vacant lots into green spaces." Under her proposal, the central land bank "would be allowed to dispose of land at reduced or nominal prices for 'projects that demonstrate beneficial community impact,' such as affordable housing and community gardens."