Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Webinar: Brownfield RLF Grant Guidelines - August 30
Brownfields RLF Grant Guideline - August 30, 2012, 4:00PM-5:00PM
EDT(20:00-21:00 GMT). This webinar will go into details about the EPA's
Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund grant. This grant funds cleanup activities
through grants and loans. Grants can be given to brownfield site owners
including nonprofits and governmental entities. Loans can be given to
brownfield site owners including nonprofits, governmental entities and private
property owners. The webinar will go over the guidelines relating to
threshold criteria which determine who is an eligible applicant, fiscal
requirements to run a loan program, and community notification of the
application. Next the webinar will focus on the ranking criteria which
address the need for a brownfield cleanups in your community and description of
your revolving loan program. Audience: Any potential brownfield applicant
which includes any governmental entity and tribes. For more information and
to register, see http://clu-in.org/live .