Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Storm moves deadline for Sibley Mill's bid for EPA funds

Source: Augusta Journal, R. Pavey

Hurricane Sandy has given the Augusta Canal Au­thority more time to prepare its newest application for a federal grant to continue environmental cleanup work at the vacant Sibley Mill.  “The deadline was originally Nov. 19, but due to storm problems in the Northeast it was extended to Dec. 3,” said Dayton Sherrouse, the authority’s executive director. The request for a $200,000 En­vironmental Protection Agen­cy Brownfields grant will be the authority’s third try for a share of the limited funds. “We hope the third time is the charm,” Sherrouse said. “It is a very competitive program with a lot of applicants.” The historic mill, purchased by the canal authority in 2010, is gradually being prepared for eventual redevelopment. The canal authority has helped maintain the site and operates the mill’s hydropower turbines, which generate revenue through the sale of electricity. Last year, even without the EPA grant, the authority financed $242,000 in remediation at the site, including removal of mercury residue, pesticides, old pipelines and caustic tanks once used in the textile processes.