Wednesday, January 30, 2013

From brownfield to eco-park at ReVenture

by John Macaulay
Greener Ideal
January 13, 2013

If all goes to plan, the city of Charlotte, NC will one day be home
to an ambitious environmental initiative called ReVenture Park.

The project could also become a model for innovative redevelopment of
industrial brownfields.

The ReVenture Park plan calls for a large renewable energy complex at
a 700 acre site along the Catawba River.  Facilities for waste-to-
energy, wastewater treatment, solar energy and R&D will rise from the
ruins of an old textile dye factory - half a million square feet of
industrial space.

The initiative will repurpose extensive infrastructure already in
place, including railway tracks, multiple electricity substations and
transmission lines, and a 360 million gallon containment pond. A
portion of the ReVenture Park property is reserved for natural
wildlife habitats.


For the entire article, see