Saturday, October 31, 2015

KSU's TAB EZ makes #Brownfield Grant Proposal Submittal EASY

TAB EZ, at www.ksutab.orgis now updated to reflect EPA's FY16 Assessment and Cleanup proposal guidelines.

TAB EZ provides a template, configured for the type of Assessment or Cleanup proposal you are writing, to draft your proposal. Drafts can be exported to an MSWord (.doc) file for final editing and packaging before submittal.
Users should create a new TAB EZ proposal template for the FY16 competition. Those who have been writing in TAB EZ prior to the FY16 update should export their drafts to an MSWord file, using the button at bottom page of the proposal outline screen, and enter (or copy/paste) content into a new template created for the FY16 competition.
New users who have not previously set up an account can do so by clicking the"Get a free accountlink in the upper right-hand side of the webpage. (If you have questions please contact Sheree Walsh,, 785-532-6519.)
KSU TAB Free Review of Draft Proposals: KSU TAB can review drafts of ARC-grant proposals for those applying in regions 5, 6, 7 and 8. Please give us at least a 1-week notice that you will be sending a draft to review. It generally takes us a few days to a week to get the proposals back to you. Our review is free of charge. Please contact Blase Leven (, 785-532-0780) to reserve your spot!