Saturday, September 16, 2017

FY18 #Brownfield Guidelines for Assessment, Cleanup and RLF are Out

The FY18 Guidelines for the Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup and Revolving Loan Fund Grants are now available on the Office of Land and Emergency Management Grants and Funding webpage. The proposal submission deadline is November 16, 2017.

New this year - - Cleanup grant applicants can apply for multiple brownfields sites within each proposal (a proposal is still limited to a total of $200K). Alternatively, if an applicant has multiple sites and needs $200K for each site,  up to three cleanup proposals can be submitted by one applicant.  A national webinar to assist those interested in applying will be on a date to be determined later this month or October. 

Those of you interested in the Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grants will be interested to know that the FY18 EWDJT Guidelines are expected to be released in in mid-October.

Registration is now open for the Southeast Brownfields Workshop which EPA is hosting in partnership with the Georgia Brownfields Association.  It is being held at the Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center, 250 14th St NW, Atlanta, Georgia from Nov 7th at noon to Nov 9th at noon. Please see the draft Agenda and register at this link:  SE Brownfields Workshop Registration.