The Brownfields Multi-Purpose Pilot grant provides
funding for the assessment and cleanup of a single site owned by the applicant.
The EPA is piloting a new grant program that will provide a single
grant to an eligible entity for both assessment and cleanup work at a specific
brownfield site owned by the applicant. These grants may be used to address
sites contaminated by petroleum or hazardous substances, pollutants, or
contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum).
Traditionally, the EPA has provided this funding in two separate
agreements. The grant gives the recipient flexibility in conducting assessment
and cleanup activities, and aims to eliminate the delay that may occur when
moving from assessment to cleanup if additional funding has not been secured.
Because this is a pilot, EPA expects to award only ten multi-purpose grants in
FY12 (one per region). Each grant would not exceed $550,000 ($350,000 for
assessment with a waiver and $200,000 for cleanup per statutory limitations).
The performance period remains at three years, as the expectation is that
projects will be ready to move immediately from assessment to cleanup.
Guidelines for this grant program are available
The proposal deadline is
February 10, 2012 for FY 2012.