Monday, January 30, 2012

Sustainable Community Development Group - Technical Assistance to Small Town Mayors

Are you in a rural setting and need some help with "sustainability," "smart growth," and "brownfields"?  Consider taking advantage of the technical assistance of the Sustainable Communities Development Group.

Familiarity with smart growth tools and resources is critical for local elected officials. SCDG is hosting the engagement of a multi-state delegation of rural mayors in the San Diego conference through our Greening of Brownfields Program. This brownfields initiative builds the capacity of low income communities and communities of color to deploy sustainability programs, tools and investments as a driver for economic development. This is sustainability technical assistance for rural mayors supported by a partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

SCDG’s technical assistance tackles economic development; contaminated property cleanup, re-use and financing; job creation; and coaches mayors towards community wealth-building in the emerging green energy economy. If you are a rural or small town mayor interested in learning more about the program, click on the link below link and let us know.

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