Tuesday, April 24, 2012

TODAY: Free Webinar: Economic (Re)Development and Solar

Looking for something to do with that former landfill?  Interested in renewable energy? Communities across the country have brownfields, capped landfills, and other pieces of vacant and underutilized land, which have the potential to be successfully redeveloped with solar. By focusing energy development on these sites, they can help to take pressure for new energy development off undeveloped land while providing site developers with access to existing infrastructure.

The US EPA’s RE-Powering America’s Land Program encourages renewable energy development, including solar, on current and formerly contaminated mine sites when energy development on these sites is aligned with the community’s vision.  RE- Powering America’s Land identifies the renewable energy potential of these sites and provides other resources to local governments and other stakeholders interested in reusing these sites for renewable energy development. The webinar will also explore case study examples of projects that have been developed on reused land.