Monday, April 23, 2012

Knoxville Redevelopment talk focuses on traffic

Source: H. Hickman, Knoxville News Sentinel (TN)
April 12, 2012

The latest public discussion Thursday on a proposed retail project near the University of Tennessee campus ostensibly was held to consider the developers' request for a record $10 million in local 
incentives.  Once again, however, the plans prompted more questions on how the roughly 12-acre brownfield redevelopment - anchored by a Walmart and a Publix grocery - would fit into the surrounding traffic patchwork.

Building on the former Fulton Bellows industrial site, the new University Commons shopping center would have access from both Cumberland Avenue, just west of Volunteer Boulevard, and by way of a new bridge-to-a-bridge ramp connecting to Joe Johnson Drive on the existing span between UT's main and agriculture campuses....