Florida #Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop
Monday June 4th, 2012
Alachua, Florida
Travel Stipends Available
AICP Credits Anticipated
Register today for the June 4th
Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Workshop, hosted by the Brownfield
Communities Network, in association with NALGEP. This workshop, which
will focus on rural communities, will provide useful information to
those who are interested in learning about brownfields as well as those
who are experts in the field. AICP credits will likely be available for
planning professionals.
Goldstein Brownfields Foundation and the Environmental Justice
Committee of the Florida Brownfields Association have teamed up to
provide 10 stipends of up to $100 to help representatives from
challenged communities attend the workshop. The deadline for the stipend
application is May 14th.
For more information on the workshop and how to apply for a stipend, please see the attached final agenda, or visit http://www.nalgep.org.