Review the Ranking Criteria. Applicants are encouraged to use the FY13 Guidelines found at
http://epa.gov/brownfields/applicat.htm as a guide to begin gathering information and drafting
their proposal. When the FY14 Guidelines are posted, the applicant can then use the time prior to
the submission deadline to organize the information into the required format, fill in any missing
details, and further strengthen their proposal.
- Grant Proposal Framework/Outline. SEE YESTERDAY'S BLOG ENTRY.
- Project Description. SEE YESTERDAY'S BLOG ENTRY.
- Community Engagement and Partnerships. Each applicant is required to incorporate community involvement into their grant, and to notify the community that they are planning to apply for a brownfield grant. The applicant should start working with their community early to establish a process and procedures for engaging their community. These efforts can begin well in advance of the grant application. The same goes for establishing partnerships that are critical to the success of your program. Begin identifying and forming these partnerships early in the process.
- Project Benefits. Applicants should begin identifying the health, environmental, infrastructure reuse, economic, and other long term benefits of addressing brownfield sites in their community, or if applying for cleanup grants, benefits of cleaning up the site. Thinking about the benefits in advance will facilitate your ability to identify and articulate these benefits in your proposal.
- Programmatic Capability/Past Performance. Begin gathering information on any past grants you have received and your accomplishments and performance under these grants. If you had performance problems on past grants, identify the issues and put in place corrective actions, so that any performance issues are resolved by the time you apply for the brownfield grant.