Wednesday, September 25, 2013

NALGEP's Webinar on October 3rd: Brownfields Update From Capitol Hill

Join NALGEP and its Brownfield Communities Network on Thursday, October 3rd at 2:00 pm eastern time for a webinar where the nation's leading brownfield policy experts will bring you up to speed on the latest Congressional activities related to brownfields. Speakers will include Evans Paull of the National Brownfields Coalition, Judy Sheahan from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and NALGEP Executive Director Ken Brown. The webinar will cover the key matters before Congress affecting brownfield revitalization, including brownfield reauthorization legislation, the outlook for FY 2014 appropriations for brownfields at EPA and other agencies, and efforts to reinstate the brownfield tax incentive. There will be ample time for questions and discussion. To register, click here.